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Setup Printers


ubz02prn and are now open form the guest wlan. Guests created by the Faculty Administration are added automatically to the Guest_Print_CS group and this group has access only to the printer in the POS building.


Computer joined to UNIBZ domain

  • Step 1


  • Step 2


  • Step 3


  • Step 4


  • Step 5


  • Step 6


  • Step 7


Computer not joined to UNIBZ domain

If your PC has not joined the domain, you will need to connect to ubz02prn and double click on one of the printers in the list in order to install it.

You will of course need a valid account to connect to the printserver!

To connect to ubz02prn, open Explorer and type \\


For guest users make sure they are in the guest_print_cs group!


KDE Cups Print Server

Step 1

Open a konsole and type the following command:

kcmshell printmgr

The KDE Print Manager Window opens. Now Select Add from the right menu and choose Add Printer/Class …


Step 2

Select the settings in the next 6 Windows




Step 3

Configure the Printer, see next 6 Windows




Add Printer using CUPS via Samba

Chip Card Printer


member of the admin group
This procedure is only recommended for users with their own Notebook/Desktop, because it is necessary to store the password in clear!

1. Open your preferred browser and type this address:


2. Follow this guides as shown on the next screen shots

Select Add Printer Fillout the 3 fields with your own values
Add Printer Fillout the 3 fields
Select Windows Printer via Samba Device URI, replace with your username and password
Select Windows Printer via Samba Device URI, replace with your username and password
Select Manufacture Generic Select Printer Driver Generic Postscript
Select Manufacture Generic Select Printer Driver Generic Postscript
A window will appear asking for username and password ener yours Set Printer Options
Enter login and password Set Printer Options

3. Restart cupsys daemon:

sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

How to connect to a Samba Print Server

First get the name(s) of the printer(s).

To get the printer names use a Samba share browser like LinNeighborhood or use smbclient with the following options:

smbclient -L \\<windowsprintserver> -U <windowsuser> -W <domain> > printer_list.txt

Using Kerberos (aka kinit)

smbclient -L \\<windowsprintserver> -k > printer_list.txt
  • Install:

sudo aptitude install linneighborhood

  • Start:

- Press Add:

  • Fill in Samba Print Server, Domain and Print Server IP-Address and press Query to verify entries, if query status: query host … done, press OK

  • Select the Samba Print Server and choose scan as user

  • Fill in domain, username and password and press OK.

Now you should have a list with all printers attached to the Samba Printer Server.

Next you need to create/add to /etc/cups/printers.conf file


<Printer **A103**>
Info **HP LaserJet 4050 Series**
Location **Library**
DeviceURI smb://**username**:**password**@UNIBZ/UBZ02PRN/**printername**
State Idle
StateTime 1178615467
Accepting Yes
Shared Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0
OpPolicy default
ErrorPolicy retry-job

You have to modify the following parameters:

<Printer A103>: name of the printer
Info HP LaserJet 4050 Series: Info about the printer, type etc.
Location Library: Where is the printer located
DeviceURI smb://username:password@UNIBZ/UBZ02PRN/printername: username, password and Printer Name.


<Printer A103>
Info HP LaserJet 4050 Series
Location Library
DeviceURI smb://bgates:forgotten@UNIBZ/UBZ02PRN/4250_A103

Last restart the cupsys daemon:

sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart


Mac OSX via IPP

Open the preference panel and select “Print & Fax” and press the “+” button

Choose “IP Printer” and then “Internet Printing Protocol” In the address field put “”

and in the “queue” the path according to this table:

HP40501st floor leftadmin/printers/HP_LaserJet_4050
HP43502st floor leftkrdb/printers/HP_LJ4350
HP41002st floor rightdis/printers/HP_LaserJet_4100
HP37001st floor rightcase/printers/HP_LaserJet_3700
HP55501st floor leftadmin-color/printers/HP_Color_LaserJet_5550
HP43503rd floor leftkrdb-2/printers/HP_LJ4350

and then choose the printer model accordingly, then press “Add”

Mac OSX via Samba

Mac OS X v10.5 or later

 1. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
 2. Choose Print & Fax from the View menu.
 3. Click the + button to add a printer.

Printing Preferences

 4. Press the Control key while clicking the "Default" icon (or any other icon on the toolbar),
    then choose Customize Toolbar from the contextual menu that appears.
 5. Drag the Advanced (gear) icon to the toolbar.
 6. Click Done.
 7. Click the Advanced icon that was added to the toolbar.
 8. Choose Windows from the Type pop-up menu.

Advanced Setup

 9. In the URL field, type the printer's address in the following format:
 10. In the Name field, type the name you would like to use for this printer in Mac OS X.
 11. Choose the appropriate PPD or printer driver from the "Printer Model" pop-up menu.
 12. Click Add.

To get a list of Print queue names on ubz02prn you can use the terminal and type the following command:

smbutil view // 
/data/www/ · Last modified: 2019/01/16 10:03 (external edit)