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1. PRINTING via SAMBA (using a Windows Print Server)

Your user must be a member of the admin/sudo group

First get the name(s) of the printer(s) you want to use:

To get the printer names use smbclient. If the program is not installed do:

  • apt-get update; apt-get install smbclient

Now execute this line to get a list of the printer names:

  • smbclient -L \\<windowsprintserver> -U <unibz-login> -W <domain>


  • smbclient -L \\ -U bgates -W unibz

Printer naming scheme:

UBZ 066 POS 300
|    |   |   |-> Room number

|    |   |->POS Building

|    |->IP-Adress

|->UBZ University Site Bolzano

A list of old and new printer names you can find here:

Now that you know the name of the printer, you can starting adding a printer.



Open your preferred browser and type this address:

  • localhost:631

Follow this guides as shown on the next screen shots

Select Add Printer from Administration Menu Chose how to connect to Printer
Select Add Printer from Administration MenuEnter your local login and password
Chose how to connect to Printer Enter Connection String SMB URI, enter Domain unibz, YOUR username and password!
Chose how to connect to PrinterEnter Connection String SMB URI, enter Domain unibz, YOUR username and password!
Enter Name, Description and Location Select Make of Printer
Enter Name, Description and LocationSelect Make of Printer
Select Driver Set initial default Options
Select DriverSet initial default Options
Set Default Options
Set Default OptionsPrinter

When printing from an Application an Authentication Window will/should pop up.

Enter your unibz username and password!

Enter username and password

2. PRINTING via KERBEROS (using a Windows Print Server)

Cups printer setup and URI format

Now add a printer using cups (localhost:631)

In cups select Kerberized Printer and the uri format is




Continue by selecting Printer Make, Printer Driver and set the Default Options

Important DO NOT forget to get a Kerberos Ticket manually!!

Get a Kerberos Ticket

3. PRINTING VIA CUPS (using a Linux Print Server)

First get the name(s) of the available printer(s):

Open your preferred browser and type this address:

  • localhost:631

Follow this guides as shown on the next screen shots

Select Add Printer Enter local username (must be in admin/sudo group) and local password
Select Add PrinterEnter local username (must be in admin/sudo group) and local password
Enter Connection string e.g.<printername> Name, Description and Location Names
Select Make Select Driver

Last select newly added printer; Click on Administration
and select: Set Default Options

4. CHIPCARD PRINTER (using a Windows Print Server)

Your user must be a member of the admin/sudo group



Open your preferred browser and type this address:

  • localhost:631

Follow this guides as shown on the next screen shots

Select Add Printer from Administration Menu Enter local username and password
Select Add Printer from Administration MenuEnter local username and password
Select Windows Printer via SAMBA Enter Connection smb URI
Select Windows Printer via SAMBAEnter Connection smb URI
Name, Description and Location Names Select Make Generic
Name, Description and Location NamesSelect Make Generic
Select Printer Driver Generic Postscript Set Default Printer Options
Select Printer Driver Generic PostscriptSet Default Printer Options

Printing of private and confidential Documents

Windows 7 and Mac OSX

/data/www/ · Last modified: 2019/01/16 10:03 (external edit)