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Secondo Installation Manual @ UNIBZ

This document briefly describes Secondo DBMS installation for Kubuntu Linux 6.06 Dapper Drake. If any important detail is missing, please inform me via e-mail kasperovics(a] or add it yourself, if you have appropriate access permissions.

Install Necessary Packages

Below are listed the packages I have on my laptop in order to download and compile secondo. All the packages are from a standard Kubuntu Dapper Drake repository. Of course, not all necessary packages are listed - package dependencies should apply.

Package Version
subversion 1.3.1-3ubuntu1
gcc-4.0 4.0.3-1ubuntu5
flex-old 2.5.4a-7
bison 2.1-0.2ubuntu1
libc6-dev 2.3.6-0ubuntu20
libstdc++6-4.0-dev 4.0.3-1ubuntu5
sun-java5-bin 1.5.0-06-1
sun-java5-demo 1.5.0-06-1
sun-java5-jdk 1.5.0-06-1
sun-java5-jre 1.5.0-06-1
swi-prolog 5.2.13-1
swi-prolog-clib 5.2.13-1
libdb4.3 4.3.29-5build1
libdb4.3++c2 4.3.29-5build1
libdb4.3-dev 4.3.29-5build1
libdb4.3++-dev 4.3.29-5build1
libjpeg62 6b-11
libjpeg62-dev 6b-11
libreadline5 5.1-7build1
libreadline5-dev 5.1-7build1

Download from SVN

There are different ways how you can download anything from an SVN repository. I prefer graphical environments and Eclipse plugin “Subclipse” is the best I have found for Linux. However, the use a command-line tool svn probably is more common. For this purpose you might wish to assign a path to Secondo SVN repository to an environment variable. This could be done in the following way:

echo "SECSVN=\"\"" >> ~/.bashrc

The following command is used to list the content of the repository:</p>

svn list $SECSVN

This command should ask you your password to the Secondo SVN repository, assuming that your linux account matches to your repository account. If it is not so, press ctrl+c and enter your repository account. To checkout a repository directory secondo/ to a current directory use the command:

mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
svn checkout $SECSVN/secondo

You can synchronize your previously checked out local copy with the current repository using svn update command.

NEW: Since 11.01.2007 the location of the repository has changed. If you have some work in your local copy from the old repository, do this:

cd ~/workspace/secondo
svn switch --relocate svn+ssh://

Set Compilation and Operation Pathes

Create a file that exports all necessary pathes as environment variables. On my machine the file is called ~/.secondorc. Below follows the content of the file.

export SECONDO_BUILD_DIR=$HOME/workspace/secondo
export BERKELEY_DB_LIB="db_cxx"
export BERKELEY_DB_DIR=/usr
export J2SDK_ROOT=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
export SWI_HOME_DIR=/usr/lib/swi-prolog
export PL_LIB_DIR=$SWI_HOME_DIR/runtime/i386
export SECONDO_JAVA=$J2SDK_ROOT/bin/java

You can use these definitions wheather calling source ~/.secondorc command in a terminal session, where you're going to compile or run secondo, wheather adding it to your ~/.bashrc file:

echo "source ~/.secondorc" >> ~/.bashrc

Secondo make file is expecting prolog runtime library to be called libpl.a, however, in Kubuntu package the library is called libplmt.a. To correct this error you can make a symbolic link running the following commands:

cd /usr/lib/swi-prolog/runtime/i386
sudo ln -sf libplmt.a libpl.a

In order to use installed Java2 SDK normally, you might have to setup JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installed J2SDK directory. In my computer I have many java programs so I use a system-wide variable. On Kubuntu Linux system it is set with a command:

sudo echo "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun" >> /etc/environment

To ensure that you have a correct java version and it is correctly stated in system pathes, run javac -version.


To compile secondo, run the following commands in a terminal session:

source ~/.secondorc

NEW: If you get an error

NLLex.cpp: In member function `virtual int NLScanner::yylex()':
NLLex.cpp:982: error: `yy_current_buffer' undeclared (first use this function)

This means you have got a wrong flex version. To correct the error just delete file NLLex.cpp, because it is generated by flex and will be recreated during the next make.

Edit Configuration Files

Under Construction


To run Secondo DBMS with a GUI client open two new terminal sessions. In the first session type the following commands:

source ~/.secondorc

In the second terminal type:

source ~/.secondorc

Import and Commit

With any of the following commands the following option is compulsory -m “Your comment to the changes you're posting … ”

If you are going to post your directory to the repository for the first time use import command. The following command imports the content of the current directory (but not the current directory itself!) into secondo/Algebras/DummyAlgebra directory in the repository.

svn import $SECSVN/secondo/Algebras/DummyAlgebra -m "first import";

All the files imported are now under the version control. To post current changes to repository use commit command. Don't forget -m option. To add a new file to the version control use add command. To remove file from version control use delete command. Both commands add and delete are actually executed after the first commit command.

Download from CVS

I'm going to regularly update Secondo SVN repository on, however, if you prefer to download the latest version of Secondo directly from FernUniversität Hagen you have to use cvs client. You can obtain a login and password writing a personal e-mail me or to Igor(.)Timko(a]unibz(.)it. To download the latest version of secondo to a directory ~/workspace run the commands:

cd ~/workspace
cvs -d "" login
cvs -d "" export -f -r HEAD secondo-src
cvs -d "" export -f -r HEAD secondo-databases
cvs -d "" export -f -r HEAD secondo-data
/data/www/ · Last modified: 2019/01/16 10:03 by