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Install Koken (Linux)

  1. Download Koken
  2. Unzip the Installer:

    this will create Koken_Installer/koken/index.php

  3. Edit the installation script index.php by adding after line 56 this 4 lines:
    # proxy options
    curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_PROXY, ""); //your proxy url
    curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, "8080"); // your proxy port number
    # proxy options
  4. Upload the modified installation script index.php to your web server and change appropriate permissions:
    chmod 777 index.php
  5. Create a MySQL database, username and password; allow localhost to access database
  6. Point your web browser to the installation script index.php
  7. If the minimum Server requirements are meet the Koken welcome screen will appear. Follow the pages, filling out all the necessary data, e.g. database configuration, administrative details and other configuration settings.
  8. At the end Sign in and start using Koken.

/data/www/ · Last modified: 2019/01/16 10:03 (external edit)