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Free University of Bolzano/Bozen - Faculty of Computer Science

Welcome to the Documentation WiKi of the CS-Tech IT Support Center

Equipment Equipment

This section contains information about installed servers, available services, equipment for didactic purposes and network configuration.

Knowledge Services

This section contains information about the services offered by the servers of the Faculty of Computer Science.

Contacts Contacts

This section is devoted to communication tools. It contains a list of the mailing lists available at the Faculty of Computer Science and a link to the ticketing system used to request services to the IT support center.

Knowledge Knowledge base

This section represents a repository of detailed instructions on how to perform common operations related to the hardware and software in use by the Faculty of Computer Science.

Activities Activities base

This section keeps track of the current activities of the IT support center of the Faculty of Computer Science. It contains a list of the ongoing tasks and meeting reports.



This section contains detailed network maps of the Faculty of Computer Science and Laboraties

/data/www/ · Last modified: 2019/01/16 10:03 (external edit)